FS2002 Pro FS2002 PRO Lockheed Martin C-130 H Hercules Royal Bahrain Air Force
Original aircaft designer : Adrian Brausch.
E-mail: IVANBRAUSCH@hotmail.com
New paint RBAF : Mohammed Al-Khalifa

The RBAF doesn't have this type of aircraft, yet, but I repainted it, with RBAF color scheme. If you have any comments please contact me msalkhalifa@hotmail.com

The C-130 is a tactical transport aircraft, and one of the most successful transport aircraft ever built, it so versatile. It can carry numerous types of cargo.

INSTALLATION: Unzip in temprory folder, and copy " C-130 H RBAF" folder into your FS2002 aircraft directory.Copy the contents of the "Effects" folder into your FS2002 effects directory.